Use the resources to below to continue this discussion with your own community.
- Invitation Template
- First SocialSocial Agenda
- SexEd One Sheet (for participants not familiar with our work)
- Socially Engaged Art History
The Futurists: Umberto Boccioni, Caricature of the Futurist Serata Held in Treviso, 2 June 1911
Marcel Duchamp, Bicycle Wheel, 1913
Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Touch Sanitation, 1977-1980
- Current Artists/Projects
Gramsci Monument, 2013, Thomas Hirschorn
Abounaddara, ongoing (anonymous filmmaking collective based in Syria)
*We screened and discussed both The Sniper and I am what I will be Part 1
Conflict Kitchen, ongoing, Jon Rubin and Dawn Weleski
- Texts on Socially Engaged Art
Education for Socially Engaged Art: A Materials and Technique Handbook, Pablo Helguera
What We Made: Conversations on Art and Social Cooperation, Tom Finkelpearl
Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship, Claire Bishop